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RefillWise Blog

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The Real Reason 1 in 10 Americans is Skipping Medications

by Jen Simpson April 3, 2017 News

If you, personally, are not skipping some of your medications, missing doses, or holding off on refills, chances are you know someone who is. According to the latest research from the CDC, nearly one-in-ten is not taking their prescriptions. While the dangers associated with missed doses varies based on the type of medication and other factors, a CNBC report indicates 125,000 die every single year from incorrect or missed doses. It’s that serious. Some outlets want nothing more than to chalk these deaths up to forgetfulness, but there’s something much more going on.

Prescriptions are Not Affordable

“When people are unemployed or don't have insurance, where do they go? What do they do?” asked Dr. Ian Silverstein in a 2011 ABC News report. “People end up dying, and these are the most treatable, preventable diseases in the world.” The article was covering the heartbreaking tale of an Ohio man who could only afford one of the medications he needed to treat a tooth infection. Due to costs, he chose to only purchase only his pain medication, versus picking up the antibiotic that would have killed his infection- a decision which proved fatal. This sad story occurs all across America every single day. With the man in Ohio, even a low-cost antibiotic may have saved his life.

Those Living in Poverty and the Elderly Are Most At-Risk

The alarming CDC stats indicate that nearly 8% of all US adults have not taken medications as prescribed, specifically to save money. Those least at-risk were the privately insured, with around 6.1% missing doses. Those on Medicare fared worse, with more than 10% not taking their medications properly. The group not surprisingly most likely to miss doses: the uninsured, with a somber 14% not taking medications they’ve been prescribed and need. The same percentage is seen in low-income households earning roughly $31,000 for a family of 4, yet if the income rises to $58,000, non-compliance due to cost is nearly cut in half. Younger generations, aged 18-64, also beat out their senior counterparts nearly two-to-one when it came to skipping doses due to costs.

People Are Using Other Dangerous Means to Get Affordable Prescriptions

According to the CDC, people who can’t afford their medications are using other dangerous tactics to get by as well. One of the most popular involves sourcing drugs online, particularly from foreign countries. Unfortunately, the market is rife with counterfeit medications that are completely ineffective at their best and deadly at their worst. Others turn to alternative therapies and their conditions worsen.

There are Safe Ways to Get Affordable Prescriptions

There are a few safe options for those who are short on cash, but are in need of prescriptions. The CDC notes that about 15% of all people have asked their physicians to prescribe less-expensive medications. However, not all drugs are equal, and this, too, can have unintended consequences, such as additional side effects and a longer recovery time. At RefillWise, we believe that everyone should have access to the medications they need, which is why we offer our prescription discount card free of charge. If you’re struggling to cover your prescriptions, the RefillWise card can save you as much as 80% on your medications. Sign up today and begin saving right away.

Read about member success stories, tips on saving on your prescriptions, and other exciting healthcare news.


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